
5 Social Media Etiquette Tips

5 social media etiquette tipsUpdated Content 01/08/2025

As social media increasingly influences our daily lives, it is crucial to be aware of the impact social media can have on you. Social media influences emotions, thoughts, and behaviors; however, it can also be a valuable tool when used with care. 

To help ensure you use social media to your advantage, Boardman Training Center brings five tips for good social media etiquette.

1. Post With Purpose

Your online presence can significantly impact your personal brand, so it is very important to post things that align with how you want to be viewed. Think to yourself, “How do I want to be perceived?” Social media can be an excellent tool for developing your image, growing your network, and furthering your career as long as you post purposefully. 

2. Pause Before Hitting Post

In a world where sharing your inner thoughts is as easy as hitting a button, it is crucial to take a moment before posting to consider what you are putting on the internet. Your digital footprint can last long after you publish the post, so pausing to think about how others might perceive your words is very important. 

Avoid posting when you are upset, as this can lead to posting content you later regret sharing. Instead, try journaling as a way to release your feelings.

3. Control Your Content Consumption

In addition to considering the content you share, it is also essential to be aware of the content you consume. Research has long proven that social media can have a negative impact on your mental health. A study published by Medical News Today shows a connection between social media usage and anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

To avoid this, be sure to filter the content you consume. Fill your feed with posts from those who inspire and motivate you rather than posts that cause negative feelings. Building an online network with people who positively influence you can help you develop personally and professionally.

4. Limit Your Social Media Use

The importance of limiting your social media usage cannot be overstated. It has been proven that social media can be addictive, so setting a time limit for yourself and sticking to it is crucial to your productivity and mental well-being. Studies show that social media has a higher impact on children and teenagers, so if you are a parent, you may also want to establish similar limits for your children. 

Additionally, following news updates is important but can sometimes lead to mental and emotional exhaustion. Reading about distressing world events in the morning can put you in a negative state of mind for the day, or viewing at night can disrupt your sleep. Limiting reading this content only midday can help you avoid these adverse effects.

5. Keep It Professional

When used appropriately, social media can be a tool to develop your professional image and expand your career opportunities. Many employers check a potential candidate’s social media presence before hiring them. Maintaining good social media etiquette and keeping your pages professional is essential. 

A good rule before posting is to consider whether you would want your family members or employer to see your post. Generally, it is better to be safe than sorry when posting online. Posting disrespectful, inappropriate, or insensitive content can be harmful not only to the receiver but also to your image.

Boardman Training Center Is Here For You

We hope you have found these social media etiquette tips helpful in utilizing social media as a tool. Boardman Training Center is here to help our students learn practical healthcare skills and the soft skills needed to succeed in their careers. 

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